Monday, April 29, 2024

com tech

 communication and technology are similar you need the technology like phones and there sites to be able to communicate with people from near and far. for example communication and techology was a big thing during covid because we used zoomed to communicate with people and that was the technology and same thing for FaceTime. 

8 values

 the 8  political values are equality diplomatic civil sociality markets globe authority and progress  these values are all similar and are all important in the government and the success of the government. 

Monday, February 12, 2024

5 news sources

 1.  google 

2.  linked in 

3.  radio 

4.  tv new sources like fox 

5. tik tok 

com tech

 communication and technology are similar you need the technology like phones and there sites to be able to communicate with people from nea...